How do I heal virtually?

I intuit & scan the field of each of my soul clients, I can see, feel and sense all of the parts energetically. I receive channeled messages from my higher guidance system. I only work with pure love light and receive downloads about your energy field, meridians or centres as well as multidimensional aspects you are here to work on (soul plan) or ancestral "original wound" patterns that are affecting your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.  Also, I receive information about any false-light programs that are stored in your memory codex which are creating difficult patterns and blocks, preventing you from healing and moving forward.

What is soul retrieval?

Returning fragmented soul particles to your entire morphogenetic field, this is done through a series of rituals, meditations and alignment practices using the Dragon’s Breath, Violet Flame Reiki and the Cosmic Ohm. You will once again connect with your purified original light body so this could be called 'coming home to you’ work.

What is crystalline body work?

Angelic humans have a unique individual expression, your multidimensional blueprint or biology is called the Crystal or Diamond Body. It generates the instruction set for the entire biological energetic system through your DNA, it's connected to your heart & is responsible for building the consciousness that holds the Soul.

What is a DNA activation?

Our body is shifting from carbon based atoms to higher based elementals through higher frequency activation and planetary magnetic shifts; we connect the dots in our own bodies' spiritual progression related to its personal alchemical processes & DNA activation is what assists in our spiritual ascension.